Monday 14 December 2009

What Does The Gagging Order On The UK Press In The Tiger Woods Case Mean For Internet Publications?

I read in the news today that the UK press have been "gagged" - that is prevented from divulging - in respect of developments and details of the Tiger Woods case. But it struck me that in this age of iphone and netbook news - over newspaper news - that perhaps this gagging order has far less effect than it perhaps once did.

I read the headlines on the CNN and New York Times websites everyday so I am not, in this way, being prevented from seeing any details about the Woods case. In fact the internet allows anyone to post anything true or false so there is complete freedom of information.

Maybe the law surrounding these gagging orders needs to be brought into this millennia. Or maybe law makers know that doing such a thing necessarily reduces peoples "human rights" (given that the right to surf the internet has now been added to the list of our rights).